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2402 results found

  1. The Truth About the Twitter Fact Checkers (not that YOU would ever tell us)

    Twitter, Google, YouTube (same as google) are all known to be anti first and second amendment for starters! And Snopes leans left also. So to put that headline up as a Trump slam is ludicrous! YOU people are PATHETIC every minute of every day! As I have said before, fact-check the fact-checkers!

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  2. AOL Email is down 5/27/2020

    Please tell someone to fix Email. My entire life is through this account.

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    The WHO is a corrupt organization, that protected China! They waste the American taxpayer's money! There has been enough scare tactics. The death rate from covid19 is much lower than predicted. STOP WITH THE SCARE TACTICS! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

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    The WHO is the group that helped China hide the effects of the covid19 and has been fast and loose with the American taxpayers money. But YOU don't care, do you? That's because they said something that seems to contradict Trump. YOU are soooooooo transparent and soooooo hypocritical. YOU would rather support the WHO and China than President Trump. And that's the truth!

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  5. Stop the Socialist hackers from outside US

    Do away with Reporting and post removals.
    Stop foreigners from commenting on US politics!
    Stop hackers from swamping the blogs with fictitious names and spewing hatred by the gallons!

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  6. Lindsay Graham

    How can you possibly post a sign up sheet to stop Lindsay Graham. I thought this was against the law. This is totally inappropriate for AOL. You should be held responsible to report the actual News as facts and not opinions you may like. This is the same type of reporting China does, just give them (the people) news you want then to see. Look at your terms of agreement B you when against your own agreement VERY POOR AOL

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  7. How many times do I have to sign in to leave a post

    Cut the fact that we have to sign in when trying to leave a post

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  8. have a system that works correctly when showing local news

    provide local news to home page every day since we pay for it

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    I thought Trump was a Russian asset. YOU people always try to have it both ways, and are soooo pathetic and transparent. YOU step in it daily!

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  10. Hair Nazi's in Michigan

    Whitmer's brown shirt swat team is arresting people that are cutting hair in Michigan at the capitol. And YOU lefties are always accusing conservatives of what YOU are guilty of. That is one of the tenets of Marxism!

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  11. Trump and Republicans in Trouble??

    This may on the left-wing wish list, but it's not happening out here in the real world. The russia collusion is blowing up in YOUR face with possible criminal charges. The people out here are sick of the democrat led lock-downs. The Republicans BOTH won in special elections in democrat led states. Biden gets worse every day. What woman would commit political suicide by being his running mate? (We'll find out soon) The democrat party is putting on a fake face (literally), when they are is absolute disarray! The held-over headline is a JOKE!

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  12. More Real News About Hydroxychloroquine

    Just because YOU have an "expert" that says Trump shouldn't be taking this drug, there are just as many docs out there treating people in the real world who says it is good for preventing covid, not necessarily if you already have it. Admit it, this is just a new narrative for you for the week. So far ALL your narratives for the last three years have been shot down, even though you are even spinning that. I don't know where you end. OOPS, yes I do................Ever notice all the "mistakes made" by the media are against Trump, not for…

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  13. More Real News About Hydroxychloroquine

    We know of volunteer nurses from our home state that went to New York. The REAL story is that MANY healthcare workers there were taking the drug as a preventative! The other takeaway is the ugly little secret about "someone" changing the cause of death from something else to covid. Could you tell me why the regular flu death count in NYC is almost 0 this year. Maybe you can't figure that out, so I'll tell you. THEY ARE COUNTING REGULAR FLU DEATHS AS COVID19!

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  14. PoP Culture hard, important [adult], news as demographic for 15-30 year old White, suburban males!

    Try [adult] hard news...before the Internut became Trumpized and 'dumbed-down'

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  15. Dr Pelosi

    Now Nancy thinks she's a doctor! Hydroxychloroquine is a proven preventative, despite what YOU and the LEFT WING politicians say. IT DOESN'T MAKE IT THE TRUTH. If a Republican had called a democrat morbidly obese, YOU would be screaming every second for the rest of the week. But "more work Nancy" gets a pass. Everyone out here in the real world noticed.

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  16. Real News Not Loud Enough YET?

    YOU even try to spin Bill Barr's comments today!!! All you took from what he said was obama and biden walk, which is not true. Barr and company aren't done yet. The players will be held accountable, because Trump will be re-elected. But there is still enough time for many players to be held accountable. YOU won't, but fewer and fewer people trust YOU or believe what you print!

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  17. YOU SOOOOO Wanted the Florida numbers to be correct! But REAL NEWS PREVAILS

    Florida has discovered that some labs have NOT reported any of their negative covid tests. That blows YOUR excitedly reported numbers as FALSE!

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  18. Page devoted to covid deaths.

    Devote a page that has Pictures of people who died from covid? Where family can post a pic and short bio or comment? I thought maybe a way to see how many real faces of people who've died would help show the real importance this not just being a flu- half my co-worker think this is just a bad flu.

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  19. 1500th ranked

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  20. AOC is clueless!

    AOC is clueless!

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