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2402 results found

  1. stop with the Harris ads they are very offensive

    stop with the Harris ads they are extremely offensive

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  2. I have been an aol user for several decades. I will move to another provider if you continue to promote one canidate and not both! Or NONE

    AOL is a email server not a political commentary. If you continue to promote the Democratic party and put down the Republicans, I will quit my membership with AOL And if it was the reverse I would say the same. You need to stay out of the politics and only provide a service.

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  3. How about stop being one sided on the political news! Its obvious your liberal

    How about stop being one sided on the political news! Its obvious your liberal

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  4. Stop dogging Republicans!

    You see democrats on here talking about how bad republicans are and how many republicans do you see dogging democrats?? that should tell you the character of the democrats!! There are faults on both sides!

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  5. stop with all Harris ads between emails. I have paid for my aol for 30 years. i dont want to see this!

    stop posting Harris ads that show up between emails. I have paid for aol for 30 years and dont want to see this.

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  6. Just a question?

    Why do you only have democrats on your adds?? That's B.S. You are bought and paid for by the democrats, Just like FB, You tube.

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  7. How about reporting the real news like the positive things Trump is doing!!!!!!!!

    How about reporting the real news like the positive things Trump is doing!!!!!!!!

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  8. Give Qualifications

    Make it easy and clear to find out the role and qualifications of an author of an article or I will NOT read it.

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    I have been a faithful AOL customer for over 2 decades. I never speak vulgar, and I never threatened anybody. My ability to make comments has been discontinued for over 6 years. I have over 3000 likes documented on AOL profile.
    President Trump stated in his inauguration speech that "Freedom of Speech" will be restored in America, and censorship "needs to go".
    I currently feel that I am being discriminated against by AOL.
    After making comments for many years, now my comments have been rejected for many years. I want this to change. I need my ability to make…

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  10. Why am I seeing 'X' rated pictures on the side panel which my children can see.....

    Stop putting 'X' rated pictures on the side panel, they are disgusting, not to mention they are visible to children

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  11. 4192nd ranked

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  12. BAZAAR


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  13. 534th ranked

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  14. All Biden Truths are Censored Out by AOL

    Any time you try to post a fact about Biden's failures, AOL censors them. They don't mind spreading lies about Trump and his allies, but not a peep about failed borders, sky high inflation, pardoning of criminals. AOL is nothing but a Democrat propaganda machine.

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    i have been denied the right to comment foR nearly 4 years. PLEASE RE INSTATE MY FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS.....I'M A HARDCORE TO THE RIGHT OF TRUMP CONSERVATIVE!

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    Today AOL News had FIVE Trump slides in the first 25. That is 20% of the News! And NO Harris. This USA is 50/50, be the same. Give both sides equal time. Been a member since 1995. Respect all members.

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  17. Fix the bug in the Comments on AOL News stories

    In the last 2 days, almost every comment on an AOL News story, no matter how innocuous, is hidden with the message "This content is hidden as it may be in violation of our community guidelines." One has to click on the "View" link to open the comment. It's not just me. Other readers are seeing this also and complaining about it. So why haven't you fixed this bug? Your algorithm already is a joke because it doesn't understand context. It often rejects perfectly innocent words because it takes them out of context. But this is not that. What's happening…

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  18. comments being cut when they do not fit the MAGATs agenda

    I am going to take steps to quit AOL because you hire MAGATs to be moderators. I have been part of AOL from the very beginning, but I am no longer interested in your ********. I will join the effort to boycott AOL and I guarantee that I alone can take down your memberships by double digits. Not a threat but a promise.


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  19. Dump all FOX News posts

    You post stuff from FOX News that is literally killing people. The pseudo-science (or outright anti-science) that you put up are leading Americans down a path that is killing them. STOP all FOX News posts is an easy way to fix the problem if you cannot or will not vet those articles. This is NOT a free speech issue. You remove comments that violate "Community Standards" but don't apply the same litmus tests to FOX or others who spill lies, misinformation, anti-science stances, pseudo-science and posts that hurt the entire community. DO IT

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  20. More good stories on this Administration

    Can we hear more about how much this administration is saving money instead of just attacking Trump with every other story. You might actually start getting more people on AOL someday if you stop being so far on the left. Report news, stop trying to make it.

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