Stop with the negative Trump reporting
Every morning, when I open AOL, the first news report is on Trump, and he is not reported on in the positive. Today, I opened up AOL and Jimmy Carter was news story #1 and Trump was news story #13, after appearing at the Veteran's Day parade in NYC. Are you kidding AOL? Your bias is always so blatantly obvious, but today, you reached a new low. I have been an AOL customer for many years and have always rolled my eyes at your Trump-hating reporting. How about telling the truth, at least once in a while? Challenge accepted? No, I didn't think so.
Repeat after me.... "must report what the left wants us to report.......must report what the left wants us to report........must report what the left wants us to report." This is sickening.

Anonymous commented
It is awful the news coverage on AOL and just about every other channel. This has to stop! News should be facts not hate filled opinion pieces. How do they call rioters and looters peaceful protesters. This all needs to stop!
Gene commented
I didn't vote for any candidate in the 2016 presidential election but AOL wouldn't know what to write about if Trump wasn't president. Every day I check my e-mails the first thing I read is something negative about Trump. It is true what is said about the mainstream press today. They are completely biased and have no credibility with anyone who is not leftist. I have stopped even reading anything on AOL. Check my e-mails and leave.
Anonymous commented
I agree, the writing is obviously anti President Trump
Anonymous commented
I wonder what the makeup of "Journalists" are on AOL? I bet it is Democrats=100 Republicans=0 Need I say more!
Jax commented
Amen. AOL IS sickening. They couldn't report the truth is if actually made them look good.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Not true news. Totally biased Against republicans and trump in particular