Quit the stupid NEXT PAGE stuff.
Quit the NEXT PAGE stupidity!!!!

Anonymous commented
Next page is click bait written by idiots
Anonymous commented
AOL keeps shooting itself in the foot, and further creating hatred against AOL from subscribers because it is too stupid to realize just how DUMB the "Next Page" stuff is. AOL "ain't too swift" !
Anonymous commented
The next page is not user friendly and stupid.
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
next page please over and over again. ten minutes to read a 5 second sentence, plenty of ads for sure. I quit after about 5 of them.
Anonymous commented
add news to your slide show, not BS stories that after 50 "Next Slides" tells you nothing.
Anonymous commented
The NEXT PAGE format is very irritating and I refuse to read those stories. It is sad to see the once great AOL sink to the level of the National Enquirer. Just a shame.
Anonymous commented
I agree. It’s not about advertising so, jut get to the point!
Steve king commented
I don't even go to these "News Stories" any more. I don't want to click on next page 15-20 times to get to the end of a story. Put it on one page, my scroll button works just fine. Mental Flair, my ***.
Vincent Labruzzo commented
Quit the NEXT PAGE stupidity!!!