Seriously, WHY "always" the "NEXT PAGE" articles???
Here's an idea. Make it ONE article on ONE page, WITHOUT having to always go through a MILLION clicks to continue reading! I mean, seriously, why do you do that? Ad support? If so, put all the advertisers on the one page with the article. It can't be THAT hard. Put it as a moving ribbon across the top. It'll be a continuous ad with multiple advertisers and you can still stay on the same page without constantly having to WAIT to hit "next page" and possibly accidentally click on an ad that will DETER you from that product, in the first place -- because you're ****** that it happened. Come on guys! You can do this! It's not that hard. I remember when AOL USED to be awesome and didn't do **** like this. I've been a member since 1996. Stop making me feel ashamed I still use you!