Biased News!
AOL is not only for emails, but it's for Top Stories & News. Why does it seem like it's more for Employee/Writer/Publisher opinions instead. No matter WHAT party you stand for, it should NEVER come into play for a generic news information site. You, AOL, are only posting articles that are related to bashing the President of the United States. You need to post articles that also commend him. It proves to me that the majority of employees working at AOL are Democrats and are against the President. I say this because I don't recall any negative posts about President Obama -- unless it was made/said by someone else and you posted it. Point it, there's always bad with the good. You need to even out the articles here with the bad & the good. Stop bashing YOUR president of the USA all the time. You may not like him, but you're a NEWS affiliate and you need to PROVE you're worthy of reading your news instead of people thinking AOL is just a joke anymore. Come on now.

While all news should stick to FACTS,I would encourage you the tell that to FOX and TUCKER who wouldn't recgnise a fact if it hit him in the head.
if you say nothing had appeared that was negative regarding Obama then i would like to correct you
the negative remarks were found on BOTH the right and left of the spectrum.The FOX based coverage was exclusively negative to Obama and severely UNBALANCED. -
the only thing that should be said about this comment and other like it is that the news MUST not be biased is any direction EXCEPT on FACTS!!!! and accuracy.