views can even come from the blind
You seem to have disturbed a lot of children who are picking the flowers along the railroad track and don't know what a train looks like! Donald WAS a Democrat until they caught on to his game!! He even won some state office and refused it because it was "too much work"! He decided (or was directed) to become a Republican because HE said "Republicans will believe ANYTHING!" When there is much more negative than good to be said and witnessed about 70 yrs of a person's life, that person does not suddenly change for the better IN ANY MANNER just because they get a bigger office and title. In fact, it makes them WORSE because they have been "rewarded" for knowing how to be the "greatest" magician at a child's birthday party because children don't know what a pedophile looks or acts like!! How many of us have actually known life long sociopaths/psychopaths? How many of us have had to live with or depend on pathological liars?? I don't care how many gold coins or candy this "man" throws out to impress the impressionable, or what "party" (Rep) he wants to make "great", he WAS, is and will continue to be a political pedophile and a patriotic psychopath....he will destroy this country like he has ALWAYS done from his father's empire down to his own Russian rescued one! Those mental "spots" on his soul will not/can not change. He was bred and trained for ruination to prevent his own. When you live without consequences, you live without consciousness. He may even be the best dancer through our legal system! Even the face of his charity hid the face of his own needs....and this creature is our leader. His only redeeming hope would be to end his political career the way other good presidents have done, like Lincoln and Kennedy. Shocking the country once again.

Anonymous commented
Wow, you must believe everything you read on the Internet if you believe all the BS you put in your comment. None of it is true - it's all lies and I feel sorry for you that you don't have access to honesty and truth! Keep searching, you will find REAL stories, not stories posted by idiots. Good Luck!!!