You blocked me from commenting on AOL news. Even though I don't use swear words or call people names. Suppression is fascist and deliberate.
You blocked me from commenting on AOL news. Even though I don't use swear words or call people names. Suppression is fascist and deliberate. I don't even know WHY I'm being blocked. It says: "Sign up to post." Which, when clicked, bring me back to same news article. Was flagged for comment without explanation, then blocked. Even tho others are allowed to call Obama a monkey and Trump an orange clown. Pure evil. If not made right, my family and I will drop your PAID account.
Oh. And this is what you flagged me for. Verbatim:
It was an article on how HBO/MAX censored "Gone with the Wind.” I was appalled. Evidently, so were a whole lot of other people. They also censored cop shows as well.
So, I posted the following comment; this is what I wrote:
"Many of these movies depicted how life was. There WAS slavery. There WAS racism. And, by the way, Scarlett O'Hara was a selfish person who cared about no one but herself. And that, my friends, was what made the movie great. Her slaves were objects. Her man was a playtoy. Her horse, she drove, until he collapsed and died under her.
“Movies can be examples to our progeny of how we should and shouldn't behave. So can cop shows. I grew up watching shows where cops were heroes. It made the ones who aren't in real life stand out. And that was the whole point. This is a mad, heinously wicked society who distorts the meaning of true liberty and pits people's ideologies and hatreds against one another for selfish agenda. As King Solomon put it: "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools."
In a nutshell: Extremism = madness."
AOL news immediately censored my post. They flagged it as "violating community standards." Now, I'm not just appalled: I'm scared senseless.
Seig heil, Hitler.
Andrew Ashmore commented
The Stasi have taken AO-**** over.
Nothing but a bunch of Commie c**** who must be following someone's orders.
Things is, how come many nasty comments are allowed?
Or are they they ones they want showing?
Maybe those people work for AOL? -
Rathbone Starks commented
They blocked me too....It's ludicrous.. The kind of trash that is on these boards
Anonymous commented
They barred me for life also. My last post was that I was a conservative that believed in God, Freedom, and America.......Post was REJECTED and I was barred forever!
What is happening in America?