You give headlines of stories and then, to read it all, we have to keep on clicking "next"! IGet rid of "Next"!!!!!!
Print the entire story all at once. Who has time to keep on going to "next"! I never do it and do not read the story. What a ridiculous thing to make readers keep on clicking "next"! It's moronic! Thank you.

The Attorney General gave a very strong statement yesterday. Good for him! Now, as far as President Biden's poll numbers which are in the tank! He seems to be on tv every two minutes! Perhaps if we didn't see so much of him--and--his reading his remarks--then, just maybe, maybe, he might go up in the polls! I really am tired of listening to him! His words do not seem to make much difference about anything! The expression, "Absence makes the heart go stronger"!, might work for him if he was not in our face on tv every two minutes!!!!!
Finally! It's about time that Biden got tough and said it the way it is! He has a weak, spineless Attorney General in Merrick Garland and he should start getting after him now! I don't think Garland will ever touch Donald Trump! Garland is afraid of him! Garland is a coward! Biden's polls would go up if he fired Garland and replaced him with a very aggressive,competent courageous Attorney General. Let's all hope that he does this!!!!!