Stop your stupid, un-American 24/7 attack on Trump!
AOL is nothing but a Liberal biased Fake News lying shill for the Radical Left. Report the news - not lies about our President.
John Bailey commented
I think that AOL has been honest about what is posted on this site, because I have seen
many messages that were cutting politicians of both sides. I figure as long as you don't
use any bad language they will post what you put down -
John Bailey commented
I never understood why Donald Trump was hated so much. He sure brought more jobs to
this country than any other President especially O'Bama. I have often wondered it because
he was doing such a good job was why the democrats hated him. They (the democrats) I think
were jealous of him. In my 80 years of being born in this country I have never seen such hatred between the republicans and the democrats. It use to not be this way.
Anonymous commented
un-American trash. just don't live here anymore.