stop the free donald trump advertising
stop the free donald trump advertising .. if you are acting as a spokesmedia for him admit it and let those who don't agree with your position delete their accounts with and and they can to another media platform that is not accountable for all the propaganda, lies, distortions, hate, racial prejudice, fearmongering, the un-american attitudes he has, the fearmongering he is spreading across this once now third rate country and all the corruptions and illegal programs he is involved. He is not an American .... he is the mouth of Russia and all the members of the republican party are his puppets. He has destroyed this countryand you AOL are helping him in that destruction program.
this is not an inappropriate comment .... it is a comment about the unjust AOL
presidential choice without giving the opposition any time for comment or redress. Flag this comment to your flag my comment as inappropriate which only proves my point about AOL being unfair and an organ for Russian propaganda.