continuing donald's racist views and slanders Kamala Harris
AOL, Yahoo and their owner Google are continuing to slander Kamala Harris the Democratic candidate for vice-president while continuing their support for the person who is mocking and uttering nothing but contempt for Senator Harris. AOL is practicing republican and anti-racist views even though they have been asked to remove the donald trump banner above their AOL/YAHOO news sections page 1, While demeaning Sen. Harris AOL is not mentioning anything regarding her running mate Joseph Biden. It must be noted that AOL/YAHOO news is now a propaganda tool for donald trump and mike pence ....both have been documented as racists and unfit to serve in any government position. At the same time AOL/YAHOO news are promoting the no mail ballot position of the donald and this is non-american but it is also morally corrupt and flies in the face of all Americans because they have a right by law to vote and AOL/YAHOO news is against that position and every Americans right. AOL/YAHOO news have only taken this position because they fear the donald will be defeated. Is AOL/YAHOO news now a Russian propaganda tool?
MARY OCONNOR commented
You are an idiot