AOL is at it again
After frequent email messages to AOL/YAHOO/YOUTUBE/GOOGLE I see that AOL has not read any on the words I have written concerning the fairness in the treatment of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It is now an accurate statement that AOL/YAHOO/YOUTUBE/GOOGLE are all in the Donald Trump camp. You unfair treatment toward Joe Biden boggles the mind. It is quite obvious your platforms don't care about the fate of the ordinary citizen, the working man, the working woman, the black person, the latino, the native American, the poor, the disabled veteran, the elderly the border kids still in cages. I read from your words written above regards your policy "this forum is not monitored for any support related issues. If you need assistance of any kind please visit our help site and then further down How can we improve AOL. If you don't monitor this "forum" how the **** are you AOL going to improve your service. I waste my time writing to you and to this "forum". Your service has gone down hill because of the many cuts in people power to man your platform. You don't really give a **** as long as you collect your 39.99 per month ...... you may not realize it but there are millions of people using AOL and they are not paying one red cent .... they come in one of several backdoors. Your security is cheap and lax, your content is biased and to sum up AOL/YAHOO/YOUTUBE/GOOGLE are corrupt and not worth my time or money.

MARY OCONNOR commented
You are an idiot