Be honest
Your headline "Trump defends Rittenhouse, the right-wing Kenosha shooter" is misleading at best and a lie at worst. The 17-year old is not necessarily "right-wing"; he was taking it upon himself - as a duty - to protect his "war-torn" neighborhood against wandering rioters and ANTIFA and other "protesters". A 17-year old with an assault-type rifle is troubling enough and another issue; but many more times of kids his age - the"protesters", ANTIFA, BLM, etc - also have guns and have killed./wounded many people. The NYT investigations team clearly shows videos him being outnumbered and chased and a handgun fired in his direction FIRST. He is cornered after being chased and shoots in self defense, something I'm sure you weak-kneed "reporters" would probably do as well - in a spit second. I would pay dearly to see your reaction to ANTIFA should they go to YOUR house and neighborhood. So, we understand you blindly hate Trump. We know you care less for the real issue and more about Trumps "personality". But have a shred of honesty and integrity and try to rise at least a LITTLE to the level of your profession, not continually denigrate it and you in the process. People are smarter than you think and know lies and deception (your articles) when they see it.