Article headings at top of AOL page are not working.
For the past three days, clicking an article at the top of the AOL page does not bring you to the article. If you don’t click an article at the top of the AOL page, AOL automatically scrolls you through each of their article headings but again, clicking on them does nothing. Please correct this problem. The only part of the AOL that works when you click on it is the lower half of the AOL page. Please fix this. Does anyone else have this problem?

Doris Brookes commented
I just wrote about the problem I am having with AOL, and it looks like it disappeared. I just want to read certain articles shown on AOL, but when I click on them, they go away and something else comes up, instead of opening up to show the whole article. Today it was about where Parker Schnabel lives. Really frustrating!
Doris Brookes commented
It is SO frustrating to click on some article shown on AOL and then when I click on what I want to read, a bunch of other articles show up, of which I have NO interest. Why does AOL not show us what is listed on their on their page when I click on it?????????