your "headlines" NEVER EVER recognize any positive for economy: penal reforms etc that have been done by Trump. I voted Dem 40 years including 2008. ANYTHING positive towards Trump is always turned into a negative by AOL; Google etc. Why ? Violence from BLM is downplayed and felons are given hero status. Antifa is an "idea"?? It's anarchy as is looting; arson; violence against Trump supporters (not reported as it does not fit the narrative) and all other felonies. The idea of saying all cops/whites are racists is as stupid and invalid as saying ALL Chicago (pick another Dem city) blacks are drug dealing drive by killers ; all Hispanics are MS 13; etc. YOU KNOW the numbers on crime and felons do NOT support the "cops simply kill any blacks they see" but you allow the hate to fester. I don't need books to tell me how to talk with blacks. WHY is color of skin something that I need to focus on now when I never have ? I am disgusted with the anarchy and the tolerance of it by Democrats who scream if a black felon is harmed BUT ignore all violence against others. USAF during Vietnam ..I can't imagine being told to allow felons anarchists to take over govt buildings; burn down businesses etc. Who are the idiots that do and why does anyone vote for them? Harris feels like the ****** in Kenosha deserves a hero status while he was turned into 911 because they feared he would **** again! Floyd; Grey and others ALL repeat felons yet now saints in cities. WHERE was your coverage of the death o the 5 yr old in Wilson NC ..his head blown off by a black repeat felon?>? Where was Pelosi; LaBron; Biden; Harris? Why are blacks who do not agree with BLMAntifa called UNCLE TOM and the N word? Please feel to retort ...