You recently asked for a recovery email...I don't use any other then my aol email.
AOL keeps asking me for a recovery email or I will be locked out of AOL after over 20 years together...I don't use any other email except my AOL account and don't want or have a "recovery" email. So, If you choose to lock me out of my AOL account...All I Can Say Is Farewell!!!

Gordon Edwards commented
yep, how frustrating to be asked for a recovery email address, just so that i can get into my emails. Are we expected to open a new email account, just so that we can verify my email account, its utterly stupid. ive already uploaded my mobile number and I usually get the 2 stage authorisation code, but this time tis another email address. I don't have one or access to one, so what the heck!!!! And before you can post this comment, i must sign in, via another email address..............there's a hole in my bucket, dear AOL, dear AOL, there's a hole in my bucket and you are stupid!!!