Quit showing the same news stories over and over again.
There is enough happening in the world that you don't have to keep posting the stories I read last year. "Like where are the now". Sink holes that happened 5 years ago. You keep filling your news with stories that are old and no relevant. The lady that put up her home for sale and it was like walking into a 169 home. I have read that twice. Guy finds under ground bunker. I have read that twice. Guy walks into a house that was abandoned. Read that twice. News happens everyday. You don have to keep posting the same old news over and over again. Rescue save pups but they are really foxes. How many times when so much is happening in the world you can't post news.

Lola McDonald commented
I don't get it and I don't like the way Aol. com Has been treating me if I am ranked 3015. I went from 3.9 k in followers and now I have been stripped down to 1 point and I don\t get feed back from my posts? I can go other places to get my news which I already do "Cause you keeping the same old stories. But explain to me how I went from 3.9K followers but now I am down to one. I pay you guys. Would I recommend you? No! Never
Lola McDonald commented
Wow I am ranked 3015? So why does number 1 always show up when I post. If you have me ranked 3015? thanks another thing. I get no returns on my comments.