trump's one-term presidency and legacy should be credited for being a propaganda based proliferator of misinformation and unfounded baseless rhetoric, gossip, and allegations that have been incessantly repeated, recorded, replayed, retweeted until it overloads the information highways, networks, ethernet, social media, and every medium of communication to the point that propaganda and lies monopolize the interests, day to day interaction and discussion of the trump anointed, forgotten conservatives of self-deprecating Republicans who believe and support his rhetoric and propaganda to the point of becoming a dividing demographic population that threatens Democracy in the United States into the future unless it's cut off at the heart (his supporters caught up in the thrall of his perfidious propaganda and lies!) and the root (trump) whose false messages of propaganda and lies need to be exposed for what they are by his Party of enabler's and accomplices in Congress who remain silent of trump's ongoing peddling of the anti-Democratic rhetoric, lies, and propaganda that has been the foundation of the trump presidency and has been accepted by this Republican Congress as the new way of governing that has proven detrimental to the Sovereignty of the United States of America and the incoming Administration who rightfully won the election with the overwhelming and approving voice of confidence from the Majority of the American voters (6 MILLION!) who came out in record numbers to save the Greatest Country on Earth, the Constitutional Reoublic, the United States of America that has always Stood for Truth, Liberty, Democracy, Security, and Happiness for ALL from the apathetic wicked clutshes of a narcissist, fascist, self-serving Dictator!