..Your Backgammon Game just Srewed me over again,...was playin Game with Computer when Message said would Close Game Temporarily for Mainten
...Your Backgammon Game just Screwed me over,GAIN!!!!!...I was playin the Computer when Message came up to say Maintenance in 30 Minutes,...and my Game was FROZEN!!!!!!...could not move til aintenance" was over,...and when came back Online I had LOST 30 Points!!!!!!...WTFRAKK?????....

Pamela Vladpallin commented
...AOL is Dishonest Browser Website,....Games are Monopolized by Cheaters,.....
Pamela Vladpallin commented
..AOL needs to Monitor this Backgammon Gamesite....A LOT of Crookery goes on here,...either by Players with Cheating/Manipulating Devices,...or the Computer screws you over,.....AOL has NO Integrity......have let this Crookery go Viral to steer others from coming here to play Games,......AOL is Dishonest Online Browser....