Giving Americans another covid payment
Congress doesn't want to give us direct payments this time around. How does it make sense to give businesses and airlines money but not us. If I don't have any money to buy things fm these businesses, how can I buy a plane ticket to go anywhere. Make it make sense please, it's not like there are jobs available. No one is hiring I've been searching for work since Aug after being out of work for a year because I had a baby. No one in Congress cares because they *** getting paid, why give the people that lost their job more unemployment they should have to do like the people that ain't getting nothing go without. I'm without work and can't get unemployment because I hadn't worked in a yr, now I'm ready to go back there are no jobs. But people that lost their job cause of rona should get unemployment benefits and and extra 300 a week. To **** with the government they have never gave to the poor. Please ask Congress this for me, cause it just doesn't make sense they all got a hidden agenda and it's not to help the people.