A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
By Bob Amoroso
If those profound words sound familiar they are, they were uttered in the summer of 1858 (three years before the Civil War), by our 16th President, forewarning our nation that the issue of slavery threatened to tear the very fabric of our Republic.
Fast forward to the present and what we’ve witnessed within the past two months, indeed within the last 4-years most likely mirrors the seething frustration felt over 160 years ago by a divided nation on the brink of rebellion.
The tragic event on January 6th in Washington D.C., was in effect our “House Divided” forewarning our Republic of things to come, “if” we don’t take heed and stop the mindless madness created by a ruthless progressive ideology that is attempting to eradicate over 73 million conservatives by creating a false narrative propagated by a corrupt and biased media, who’s only interest is undermining the President’s historic accomplishments.
If anything history should teach us to recognize the dangerous sign posts ahead, before we repeat the inevitable.
Thus far the purge of conservatives continues unabated from all quarters, including from those fair weather RINO’s who were more than willing to latch onto the coat-tails of President Trump, who single-handedly transformed the Republican Party, motivating and inspiring millions of disenfranchised individuals, those working men and woman, long forgotten by the political establishment who felt they finally had a voice, thanks to this blue-collar pugnacious billionaire, who enjoys McDonald hamburgers and fries, while surrounded in opulence and luxury.
Therefore is it any wonder then that the unhinged left “loathes” this enigma? In that all one needs to do is witness a Trump rally to understand why the radical left fears President Trump, and why they need to take him and his supporters out.
National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel recently shared some interesting data concerning a typical Trump rally in Florida, in which 31.8% of individuals attending the rally did not identify themselves as Republicans, 24.4% did not vote in 2016, and perhaps the most startling of all, 16.3% were registered Democrats.
Moreover a recent Rasmussen poll found that a whopping 72% of likely Republican voters see President Trump as their party’s future.
Granted, the data was compiled ‘BEFORE” the riots on Capital Hill, however Trump loyalists are savvy individuals and recognize the massive voter fraud that took place in the wee hours of November 4th in which hundreds of thousands of votes were switched from Trump to Biden.
In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania alone, over 200,000 more ballots were cast then registered voters. There’s little doubt that President Trump won the 2020 Presidential election in a landslide, and for that reason the left needs to continually create a diversion by attacking anyone associated with the President.
Their “scorched earth policy” towards Trump supporters and conservatives will further damage and erode our Republic, and perhaps spiral America towards a Constitutional Crisis, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since those dark days just before the Civil War.
Moreover following the riots on Capital Hill, the unhinged left seized the opportunity to further target conservatives by denying them their basic civil liberties, banning them from expressing themselves on progressive platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, even outlawing the term “Stop the Steal.”
However perhaps the most egregious act came by-way of Facebook’s honcho Mark Zuckerberg, who actually locked the President of the United States, out of his Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Facebook spokesperson Sheryl Sandberg acknowledged that the social media giant has “no plans” to lift its ban against President Trump.
Adding, “We have no plans to lift it right now. At least through the transition we’ve been very clear,” she added. “There’s obviously so much happening, and this is such a big step. We will definitely let people know and be very transparent about any changes to that.”
Sandberg continued stating “that not even a president is above the policies we have.”
Those chilling words should send shockwaves across America and to every elected official regardless of party, who honors and respects our First Amendment rights.
Currently aside from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, 10 big tech companies have also either banned or restricted President Trump from communicating with the nation on their platform, those include Google, Apple, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest, Shopify, Reddit, TikTok, Twitch, and Discord.
Ironically none of these progressive platforms saw fit to either ban or restrict Antifa and BLM thugs from creating chaos this summer in Democratically controlled cities across the nation.
Moreover crazed Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is once again instituting Articles of Impeachment against the President
Adding, “In protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act with urgency, because this President represents an imminent threat to both.”
Indeed he does, however not for the reasons stated by the Speaker; Pelosi is so desperate to file Articles of Impeachment, hoping to stop President Trump from running again in 2024.