Stop Using Your Platform For Political Gain
Be fair, that's all. I just logged on and the Cruz petition jumped in my face. Political adds given special impact like this is understandable to all AOL folks, because your liberal bent is so obvious in your news clips and such. But, this adv you could have pulled...but because of the Cruz hype (cancelling conservatives), you didn't. Come on, take a stab at integrity. The man has studied the election returns and all the dishonesty, then he made a judgment. Is that so evil? Of course, not. Take a serious look at the financial background of Biden and Son and the possible issues, then tell me why you're not espousing petitions for his political demise. And, his vacation choice may have been ill timed, perhaps not...frankly, one can never find a time when some part of the country is not under stress of some sort. But... "How can we improve AOL?" Simply restore balance and refuse to lean so obviously to the's not too much to ask from any company that has genuine character and moral standing. Would you not agree?