Please unbanned me from add comments on articles on AOL website. Apparently I have been banned and my articles have 138 likes .
Please unbanned me from adding comments on a article on AOL website

Tom Runfola commented
I have been banned since 20’. Apparently there are individuals at AOL that are intolerant to Republican/conservative dare I say Trump supporters. As scary and grotesque as that may seem to some, we actually exist amongst the born in America, tax paying, law abiding, god fearing, law enforcement supporting citizens.
I have had an AOL account for my email since the 90’s.
It’s now a post Musk/Twitter world that we’re living in. I would imagine in the social media business would seriously consider there one sided uberliberal stance is no longer able to hold water and get with the current program.
The last time I checked this was still the United States of America which still somewhat followed the constitution which allows for free speech. You know the “ meat and potatoes” of democracy. Otherwise in time AOL and other outlets that censor free speech will be labeled as proponents of communism. -
[Deleted User] commented
Me too. I have been banned from expressing my dislike on liberals' policy for a year while many who commented harsh words against conservatives are not banned an their nasty comments are still posted. WTH?