Don't give the reactionary people breainwashed by the criminal Trump , nor change anything you are doing, AOL.
Trump has put our United States of America, into a shameful place, seeking to be dictator, rather than support Democracy, which so many of our, and their, forefathers died for. They refuse to think for themselves, and would prefer to follow their messiah, Trump, which is entirely unChristian. In fact, they are guilty of idolatry. Those bash democracy, pro Trumpers have put Trump before God, even though they have learned, full well, the Bibles mandate: Thou shalt not have any Gods before me. Ignorance dominates, and supporters have been manipulated by a psychotic man, who best belongs in an institution where he will be treated to accept reality. If anything AOL has not been harsh enough in terms of revealing the truth, to destroy Trumps psychotic lies.