i hate taking forever to get to the end of an areticle to find out what attracted me to the articlisnt pasrt of the article!!!!
get agt to tell the truth about the million dollar prize as shown during the credits its based on payment over 40 years thats 25000 a year for groups like 20 people thats 1250 a year each. but they keep asking what will you do with a million dollars which you probably wont live long enough too receive it all. you can take a csh buy out which is a lot less.is it this way on all cash shows you hear stories about irs. when will you do a real story like this?????
james wilson commented
joe namath is worth 13 million dollars but he says he called in to find out what his mediare benefits are he wanted to know abou free dental,free glasses reduced prescriptions,free food etc etc either he is the cheapest person in the usa trying to take benefits from others or he likes lying to make money he dosent need .illn bet he didnt give those paychecks to charities!!!!!! how about a story on this????