stop allowing individual articles from having the 'we see you are using an ad blocker... blah. blah. blah'
ok, we get it, the ads 'may' help pay for whatever they want to sell you, but to put them on every d*nm page is ridiculous! if we 'x' it out on the first page, chances are, they will be 'x'd' out on every page. i paid for an ad blocker because having a page full of ads and a small window for whatever i'm trying to read is ridiculous. so, ok, we get it, ads help the article writers, but enough is enough, stop allowing that banner on every page. it is too the point where i will click on an article and click off the request to 'allow ads' once and if the banner comes up on the second page, i just click off the entire article because it is annoying beyond belief to continue to click off the banner on every page! my suggestion is to allow the 'request to allow...' on the first page and that's it!