Change your NAME to COL!! You are NO LONGER America On Line!
Per your News Comments section...........
You stopped being AMERICA On Line a few years ago, and became Censorship On Line, or even worse Communism On Line!! CHANGE YOUR NAME to fit your propaganda!!
I have been posting CLEAN comments since you've gone full blown Commie, and censored pretty much EVERY WORD in the English language!!
I just tried to post a comment to explain to someone why Texarkana was name what it is......and my comment got REJECTED!!!! And ALL I posted was "Texarkana is called that because it's split by three states Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana". AND IT IMMEDIATELY GOT REJECTED!!!
More PROOF that AOL is a full blown ran by the Communist! They censor PEOPLE, not COMMENTS!!
WHY do they even bother with a news and comment section if they are going to pull this atrocity??