Bad Employees
I'm sending this to AOL for them to give me a good reason why this doesn't meet the guidelines of AOL. Remember this is a reply to another comment which has every word in it that mine does: "No, the US didn't threaten nuclear war in the 60s if the Soviet Union did not withdraw troops from Cuba. The Soviet Union, at the time, had brought nuclear missiles to Cuba, and Kennedy found out through surveillance and didn't want the Soviet Union to know. There was back and forth with a blockade or quarantine line around Cuba to prevent anymore missiles from being brought in, and in the end took their first steps to a nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The US also had nuclear missiles in Turkey and Italy pointed at the Soviet Union, and part of the treaty removed them. I was in Massachusetts at the time on an ASA Army post. But it wasn't about troops rather nuclear missiles." This came from my knowledge of history since I lived through it. They then banned me from anymore conversation on AOL. I expect someone to be fired for this. I am sick and tired of this happening. You need to educate your employees on good policy and the English language.

Mikel Parkhurst commented
Okay, AOL, I expect you to man up to this.