Watch Fox News they tell you everything,( NO FAKE NEWS )
Watch Fox News they tell you everything ( NO FAKE NEWS )

Penny Magnotto commented
Fox has turned away from our country! Like AOL and the fake news everywhere, they aren't worth the powder to blow them to ****. America was created by PATRIOTS FOR PATRIOTS! folks!!! It's time to step up, just mow the evil, mindless old man and his family of criminals down! We want leadership that works, and that means we expect all patriots to be front and center against the Chi-coms, Russians, Nokos...all entities who do not support the USA that we all know and love! They have to be eliminated! It's us or THEM!
Penny Magnotto commented
Fox news has gone south and at the very least, PURPLE! Who needs them? Tune in to Real America's Voice (RAV). or try Newsmax! OAN has something to offer, also. This left-wing commie **** that spews from AOL is disgusting. It does NO GOOD to call them out! They prefer Communism with a dose of Marxism. The Dems, and left-wingers in general have lost their minds! So hey, all you folks out there complaining about one thing or another.....How does Communism taste so far? I'm about fed up with the Republican Party, too! Too much talk...NO ACTION! If this has to be war, then let's get with it.