It does not surprise me that AOL did not allow comment on an article that included both tRump and an Evangelist group.
I will never understand with the evidence that has been presented why an Evangelist group would continue to support someone with so much questionable conduct. Whether it is the proof the committee organized by the Congress of this country or actual live microphone saying he could shoot someone in Grand Central Station or the middle of the street and no one would do anything. He also said he could just sexually grope women just the same way and get away with it. If they can not see the pure evil he is selling to the American public that is dumb enough to continue to both believe his lies and repeat them as fact this group of evangelists belong with him when he has a true judgement day, They are selling the same snake oil just to profit from those stupid enough to keep sending in their hard earned money to support them. They have no conscience to look at the facts or the truth, even the descending opinion of the activities to look into what the truth is. This country and these people will ride this *** to the gates of **** to advance their greed for money. The real sad truth is they actually believe him and endorse his actions when he has only taken care of the rich with tax cuts and nothing for the common working man. Inject bleach would have definitely have cured Covid because no one would have survived to catch it. The side effects are KILLER though!!

Neil Fortner commented
I am quite sure my idea will not be posted due to censorship but truly believe what I said is the truth and this country is in jeopardy of falling into civil war again and dictatorship though we have been the role model for the rest of the world due to our success and prosperity in our democratic society