Why does AOL allow so much rhetoric on articles that have nothing to do with the topic of the article
The rules clearly state to stay on the topic of the news article. Instead it just becomes a sounding board for those to display their opinion on a subject and attack anyone with a different political point of view.
You censure pertinent comment that are on subject due to "trigger" words you have decided are not within your guidelines when the comment is no way inflammatory in any way. You are blocking the moderate point of view yet letting anything that has no baring on the subject slip through.
You also do not allow anyone or at least me to edit my profile yet you allow very controversial user names that are an insult to anyone without the same political view.
You allow people to publish as fact content with absolutely no merit as if it is fact and no proof to back their statement. The law requires news to use " the alleged" to describe a mass murder caught in the act because if not they would go free due to bias news.
People really are not smart enough to realize that the statements are incorrect and opinion NOT fact. Then they continue to repeat those things as fact without ever investigating the truth.
Either have an unbiased human actually edit the website commentary or stop allowing it, not a BOT. The public is supposed to see different points of view but not if lies are stated as fact. That does more harm than any truth can ever offset.
I truly believe so many of the comments are from our nations enemies that spread this false information to " divide and conquer" our country