Using (SHUT UP) as a FRIENDLY response to (intelligence or standing to degrade anyone's position) when using humor referring to any given sentence or conversation to be SILENCED BASED ON extreme sensitivity and a ( MULTI CULTURAL OFFENDED COMMUNITY ) that is intolerant to any conversation that does not align with ( WOKE MOB) According to what’s done is no different engaging in an ASSAULT yelling violations of community values that are not AMERICAN! I did not spend 15 years in college to remain silent to Social, PUBLIC, RACIAL, economic, financial, religious, educational, political, historic terrorism that involves government actions of genocide or their involvement in mass murder involving foreign governments and their offshoots of NGO's of the United Nations..

I was fired for Joe Biden's ( CRT - Critical RACE THEORY ) to recruit "Children for WAR" and I've been targeted by BLM and their offshoots that violate 501(c)3 programs curtailed to move millions to groom the world using mass media and BLEEDING HEARTS. Joe Bden's firing of Police and Medical Doctors like myself refusing the jab and the use of a virus to destroy as many companies over the past 3 years of lock-downs that was designed to remove people from their jobs for a hostile takeover as AGENDA 21 is being used by BIDEN to flood the country. We are under attack and we are the target that wants our country secured.. The Mass shootings are tied to Government using NARCOTICS from PHIZER and NGO's of the UN that has been working with Non Profit orgs that are in 137 countries that murdered more than 100 thousand police officers while engaging in war against those countries as they all yell "VICTIM-HOOD".]