Stop your anti- Trump ****.
Get your head out of the Democrat's rear end NOW. You are going to be crying this November and you will probably blame Trump instead of your God Biden.

Maria Bellerose commented
its a free country we need to make good statements i am not i n politics i am a person that want to respond good or bad in Dem or rep. now i came in to respond on the police i know they are some bad police but 98 person do there jobs thank got we got them you know what if we didn't have them we going to have more killings let them do there job.
if people dont run from them or fight with them when they know they wrong they wrong get hurt that's there job to arrest anybody that steals kills or brake the law in any way thank you we not in any communist country thank you . -
I am a republican and being for tRump is being anti American. He only cares for himself. It is you that has your head in the wrong place!!!!!!!!!!!!
AOL has had TDS since he decided to run for the WH and they still won't relent with negative comments and photos.
Get your head out of the Democrat's rear end NOW. You are going to be crying this November and you will probably blame Trump instead of your God Biden. AOL post my comment
AOL-post my comment unless you have changed into a dictator's stooge (Biden)
Get your head out of the Democrat's rear end NOW. You are going to be crying this November and you will probably blame Trump instead of your God Biden