There talking about global warming and ending fossil fuel if they end fossil fuels then all the jets wil have to stop flyng a jet dont run on water. What if you have 1 jet flyng and uses 1 million gallons of oil in 1 flight and 5,000 jets in the air at one time and all the smoke is already up in the sky making a trail 5 to 10 miles wide what does that do fir the air. So as long as jets fly GLOBAL WARMING is here to stay.
Sam Curitiba Sam curitiba commented
Robert: Surely you realize that there are not AOL sysops who read every single posted comment amongst the hundreds of thousands on the site? The algorithms are set up to "flag" comments that include what are considered "key words" in the flood of comments posted. These specific words are reviewed periodically and the lists are changed, depending on the frequency of the "flagged" word in the context of a random sampling of the affected comments.
Opinions rejected with no profanity, No name calling, No harassment, No libel. Just a common sense opinion that I pay AOL monthly so I can post. Your not even reading the post. Deleted as fast as I can type. Take down this site if your going to censor everything. Your not wanted or needed.