Stop your censorship and enforce the rules you established for comments.
You repost news articles from networks articles and allow community comments. The censorship of the comments is supposed to follow your " community guidelines" yet you allow more posts that break all those guidelines while censoring a post with nothing but facts which does follow those rules. I do not know who you hire to do that but you really did a bad job because it becomes so politically biased depending on who does it. Ironically both parties claim a bias toward the other yet as an independent I can state it just depends on the censor you get that looks at your post. I thought this was to be constructive yet it is just the opposite because you will not even enforce your own policies. Not only is the article blocked it can not even be edited or changed so what ever part was irritating to your censor bot person it becomes a waist of time. As an AOL patron since my first account with a computer which was about as soon as they became available to the public. I can say I find myself switching to another site where this does not happen. Just keep doing what you have been and you will totally lose me and so many more but I am sure you really have no one looking at this that cares.
I recommend switching to another source for anyone as fed up with this lack of following the rules AOL and Yahoo has placed on their community comment. After they lose the advertising dollars they get from us using their service maybe they will take things more seriously.

Neil Fortner commented
Waste of time to give feedback! They will not even look at or take seriously. It gets posted here where others usually have the same complaint and not to anyone in the company that would ever care. If they had any true concern about what our feedback is they would respond in some way and look at the problem. Thousands of comments about their censorship yet it just gets worse. Who ever they hire is so politically biased it just depend on who you get whether your comment is allowed. Their community guideline are meaningless and not any basis for rejected comments while some of the worst and most obscene comments are allowed because some have figured out how to misspell or state thing in a way to get unnoticed. The FCC should become involved and shut this down for just that reason.