You are accepting too much spam into my mail account & protecting some from being blocked.
In the last few months, aol has been allowing 100's of spam messages into my mail account. At first, almost all of these would be put directly into my spam folder, which is a minor nuisance but not serious, although I wonder why AOL continues to allow obvious Spam messages into your system. Lately, the spammers are coming up with clever ways to bypass your filters and come directly into my new mail. For some reason, AOL appears to by aiding these spammers by allowing them to use email addresses that I cannot block.
BOB BRUCH commented
In the last few months, aol has been allowing 100's of spam messages into my mail account. At first, almost all of these would be put directly into my spam folder, which is a minor nuisance but not serious, although I wonder why AOL continues to allow obvious Spam messages into your system. Lately, the spammers are coming up with clever ways to bypass your filters and come directly into my new mail. For some reason, AOL appears to by aiding these spammers by allowing them to use email addresses that I cannot block.