Why Do ALL Comments Just Disappear On a Story? Did I Wake Up in 1930s Germany?
They allow comments on a story for at least 4 hrs, and then all the sudden numerous stories have all the comments removed and no history of them? What is the purpose? Are we being controlled and manipulated again by Democrats Marxists running AOL? Aren't your slanted stories enough? Is this what Biden meant by "We choose Truth over Facts?" Whose truth?

PAUL LEWIS commented
The left needs to rein in their lying media and demand truth. This is what is dividing people. A mentally ill man with history of supporting nudists, heavy hallucinogenic drugs, for years he thinks he's Jesus and living in a Faery House, his sister, neighbors and friends say he's a Democrat and supported Obama, he has BLM and Pride flags all over the bus he's living in, and he's here illegally for many years. He was released 10 times from crimes that should have deported him, including previous injury to elder incidents, and he's coddled and let go by the liberals policies that enabled him. Now, we have to hear constant disparaging lies that he is a Republican? What is wrong with you people?