ONLY allow writers who have good grammar & sentence structure abilities to "write" for AOL.
Charles Robinson, you DON'T belong in journalism. Period!!! Here is one example of your outrageously STUPID, ILLITERATE so-called "writing" skills. You wrote in the 4th paragraph of the article about teams for which Brady could've played, and might play for in the future: ".....except Gruden blew the deal UP". (The proper way to have written that is this: "....except Gruden blew UP the deal". In fact, TWICE, you wrote that same statement in exactly the same way. I didn't bother to read much of the remainder of the article, but, it's likely that you made an equal amount of improper grammatical errors. The sad thing about all of these articles on AOL is that, no matter who writes them, they're all full of ****** grammar. Shame on AOL for hiring ILLITERATES, so that they can SAVE MONEY.