I have been an AOL user since basically the First Year your folks were in existence!! I am ashamed at times to still say I use aol
I at times am ashamed to say I use aol as they have become a Far Left Political Propaganda machine. I have been arguably probably THE Longest " or one of the longest members of AOL alive. Over 30 Years now. But the way you folks use MSDNC as Hannity Correctly has renamed msnbc is ridiculous. A True Republican like myself who has Black, Asian & American Indian Family Members is Not Racist, we also believe that we are a Nation of immigrants so Come One Come All, just come legally like Our Ancestors All Did. We also believe that what one does in the Privacy of their own home is Their Own Business. Just don;t create laws that make some more protected than others i.e assault on a gay person is per say 10 years in jail whereas assault on a heterosexual person is half or less than that time in jail. Does this mean that we are less than the other ???? The Law Has Always Protected Everyone from assault etc. etc. etc. Flooding our country with illegals in a process to buy votes is UN-Constitutional and Illegal, but yet is a Huge Current Problem....

DAVID RAYE commented
I agree obviously, But I Do Not Now Or Ever Condone Violence in any manner whatsoever. So why I ask are the Rioters and Looters who burned Our country a couple years ago and are continuing to do so Not ever spoken about by the Left " democrats " this is so hypocritical it is not even funny.