The new mail page is awful. Please go back to the old mail or give us a choice!
The new mail listing is terrible! Please go back to the old format or give us a choice. Are you trying to chase paying customers away?

Sandra Percy commented
If it ain't BROKE don't FIX IT
ZOIA BOLOTOV commented
I agree! With a new changes, I lost a lot of contact list. Now, when I want to edit a person to my contact list, it does not let me! I have two options: delete or cancel! Safe does not work!!
JOHNNY STARR commented
I have used "Basic" for years and I just hate the new format. It's not as easy to follow and at the age of 77, it makes my mind go blank sometimes trying to figure out just wha.t I need to do. I handle many business as well as other email on AOL and have been a member for as long as I can remember. I believe in the old Axiom, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". At least give us a choice of which we can use. Thanks, Johnny Starr
The consensus seems to be that the old format was much better. Someone should pay attention to what the users are saying.
The new format has nothing going for it. Why the change?
RUTH SEAMAN commented
Put It Back The Way It Was
LADY LEGACY commented
Please go back to the other format.
Its almost the same as the problem Coca Cola had when they changed their formula!
would have been nice if you gave me a choice!
Donna B commented
Old email is much easier to use
Tom Nicholson commented
FIRE or Terminate the New Email Engineers and Developers.
Bring Back Old Emails! The New Email Format is horrible.I can't read the columns on left menu column because its gray letters on gray back ground. And the fonts and spreading of the left column is so far apart, that is is impossible to see a majority of the items in the left menu column.
I don't understand why there is a Jewish Star of David on all of my emails showing up on every single email. Leave ALL religious symbols out of my email.In OLD MAIL, it shows the date or month and waste valuable space and ABSOLUTELY STUPID to categorize mail by Day, Last Week, Earlier in June.... the right column is the EXACT EMAIL DATE ALREADY !!!!
I have called your tech support for help. THEY ARE USELESS and they expressed to me that they have been bombarded with non-stop complaints and angry users who ALL HATE THE NEW AOL EMAIL FORMAT.
The AOL Engineers, developers, corporate, managers and supervisors are obviously not reading and responding to ALL OF THESE FEEDBACK COMPLAINTS.
Sarah Coston commented
I just want to fine the Sunday Mass and can't find it anywhere. Please help me.
Sarah Coston commented
I Just want to find the Sunday Mass and this format is terrible.
Moi aussi je voudrais revenir à l'ancienne version
surtout pour accéder aux contacts
BARRY BRYAN commented
I absolutely agree. I had everything the way I wanted it and it has worked for 27 years and now you change it. I hate it and want the old way back!
Kevin Sisco commented
Sometimes, the old ways work best.