AOL Political Bias is UN-AMERICAN
Either stop political ads in support of only Democrat Party and this disaster of an administration that is BIDEN or lose customers as they start to wake up to the attempted brainwashing that is going on. I literally am seeing ADS now regarding a 'chance to meet the Bidens' or something like that. It's ridiculous! You have PAYING CUSTOMERS that you are alienating. If you want to be political, then you give equal time to each side instead of trying to LIMIT, BLOCK, CONTROL what people see, let people make up their own minds about their politics. I can't BELIEVE what is happening to this country where the media thinks they get to decide who everyone is supposed to support. And I can't believe I'm literally going to have to give up my account that I've had for nearly 25 years because the big wigs at AOL have decided this is the way they wanna go.

C H commented
Stop political bias.