Do an English grammar and overall language-usage test on ALL potential "writers".
Here is what Sarah Fortinsky wrote: "Authorities in Brazil were also searching for him in connection to a separate killing." The ACCEPTABLE, and proper way to express this thought is NOT to use the word "TO" with the word "connection". Those who use common sense, and have a decent grasp of how to combine words to convey an idea, will write: " connection WITH....". "Connection TO" implies being joined together, as in "one wire is connected to another wire. Those, who don't bother to pay attention to their choice of words, will likely consider my criticism to be extremely petty. But, they're likely the same folks who use this stupid & grossly illiterate phrase: "These ones". That is pathetic use of our language. So, Sarah, go take several English grammar classes, then, maybe you'd be welcome back by readers of AOL articles. Thanks a million.