Posting of the " News " on your mobile application site
It looks like you have tons of MAGA voters on here complaining about AOL posting too much " liberal " news. I have been an AOL paying member for at least 20 years and still use AOL as my only email address. I for one am quite surprised that AOL would post so many stories that come from Fox News !! We all know Fox is nothing but an entertainment organization that does not post news, but makes up stuff to appeal to its super far right viewers. If a new organization had to already pay an 800 million dollar fine for losing the legal battle over all of the false election news it spread 4 years ago, why on earth would you carry any of their **** stories on here now ? The recent arrest of the fake FBI agent getting the GOP panties all riled up about Hunter Biden should prove that Jesse Watters and Sean Hannity have not changed one bit and neither has Fox News. Drop them.