stop with the Harris ads they are very offensive
stop with the Harris ads they are extremely offensive

Mich Young commented
please remove the "******** and big boob" junk pictures.
Same goes for the vulgar shoes that resemble women's private parts.
At least give me the option to block them.
Why don't you have pictures of men??? -
JAMES FRIEND commented
only to a maga id 10 t
imaxxi commented
Tom Mccarville commented
Not interested
M. Palanuk commented
Why not find another email provider?
karenelizwikoff commented
Thank you for the opportunity to read the Harris rhetoric for free. I have already voted for a presidential candidate so can I turn off the rhetoric page now?
Debbie Farrington commented
Stop being woke with your ads. It is disgusting that you push this agenda and support a candidate on either side of the isle....that is not your job.
Eunice Minor commented
It is my understanding that the campaign is paying to have us go through all of this. That is enough to turn me off if I wasn't already against the party -- sorry to offend anyone who is not. This information was given to me as referenced in another comment I just made regarding my dissatisfaction with a customer service rep earlier who did not know why I was seeing the ad and told me it was not related to my e-mail.
Eunice Minor commented
Just had a chat with a supervisor regarding an earlier call to an AOL rep and was able to learn that what I thought was a lingering ad that I could not get rid of was one attached to practically every post on AOL news feeds. He informed me, as I had already learned, that I could pay the four dollars plus to eliminate them. This is stooping very low. I feel the same way as many of the responses I have read in this forum. I originally had called because I thought there was an issue with my e-mail that involved fraud. SO I can pay the four dollars plus and get rid of this, or I can leave AOL after all these years and get peace. SAD thing is I allowed the rep to have access to my computer and she tried to tell me that the ad was coming from another source. Even assuming I was proDEM, this is not acceptable. I don't want to think about politics when I am reading personal mail. THANKS for all the shares.
I agree. We all know AOL is pro Dems but that doesn't mean we want to see Harris thrown up to us every single time we log in. Stop it.
PATTY BRAND commented
PLEASE STOP the Harris ads on AOL. I find them very offensive & not in line with my beliefs!!
Patty Brand -
DAN PIERSON commented
agreed....stop the Harris ads or I will be switching to Gmail
NANCY Gibson commented
Stop with Harris/Walz ads. They are extremely offensive and inappropriate. The majority of the country is against her and her party, and you promoting her is just pushing more people to vote for Trump. Try promoting the truth for once.
Jim MALLARE commented
AOL is promoting the DEI high priced call girl. Get the **** out of politics.
Walt Kammer commented
There is a virus or some other malware installed on your servers.
I keep getting repeated "elect Harris" ads every time I send an email and open AOL or do any other actions.
Please STOP this immediately. I pay for AOL and don't expect political indoctrination or propaganda every time I use the system I am paying for. There are plenty of free email providers, I don't need this sort of nonsense. I have been with AOL since the company was started in the "dial up days". TERMINATE this baloney IMMEDIATELY. Regards, Mr. Kammer -
I'm sick of seeing ads for supporting Harris everytime I send something in AOL mail. She is for the killing of innocent unborn babies. Where are the Trump ads? AOL, get out of politics!!!!
Dwight Franklin commented
I think Trump should be able to have pop up advertising as well. NOT everyone likes or believes what Harris is saying. Come on AOL play fair.
SUSAN GOVONI commented
I agree this is a vapid attempt to sell a candidate afraid to speak with the people. We should not have to vote for her to find out what she allegedly stands for.
blazzzzzer commented
unless you're going to give President Trump equal time, stop advertising harris.
William Trapnell commented
Stop the DJT lying commercials. You should be fined for running such BS