Block full screen pop ups that have no obvious x to terminate them, THANK YOU
STOP FULL SCRN POPUPS ON AOL esp those with no way to x them out.
Block full screen pop ups that have no obvious x to terminate them, THANK YOU.
re: WIthout Warning a political ad comes FULL SCREEN and interrupts my day, I am running a business and don't need these type temporary (what 2 min) takeovers of my pc, there is no way to x them out either... so we are being held ******* by a political party, very cruel when we have so many important things going on, ie clean up hurricane mess, try to keep biz going, take care of baby needs, prepare dinner, clean house, install design modify systems that create/invent/modify/test water from air system using solar panels for emergency fema needs, create fuel vapor system to get bet mpg which in turn reduces emissions re: climate change to save the world from it, also system that is proven from 2014 that gets 11% more mpg from normal gas cars. on and on... so many new products and dev that I can't count them all.. I DON"T NEED FULL SCREEN POPUPS FOR SOMEONES POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. inventpeacenotwar ^^ Normal ads at least have an x to terminate them; but these are very agressive offensive therefore, ads that take over your pc causing work stoppage in the work day, SAD

inventpeace commented
First amendment guarantees freedom of speech, media (press), and right to assemble (which all the tyrant kings of old were against. Use it or lose it ! InventPeaceNotWar