Abandoned AOL & never looked back
I was basically addicted to AOL around age 13 and used AOL/AIM until I was about 19 (2004). One day I never signed in again and never looked back. Obviously I flinched because 20 years later I had a curiosity. I'm still good with letting it all go and never looking back. However, there's also an opportunity to get money out of me by letting me reactivate my old screen name and bringing back AIM (or similar capability inside Desktop). AIM/IM without access to my old screen name is pointless. I don't expect the buddy list to still be there. From a marketing perspective, it creates a catch 22. There was a hidden joy in getting messaged from an unknown name (when it was someone you actually knew). Maybe they thought you were hot. Maybe they were just being funny. I'll admit - there are people I've known from childhood who were on my buddy list and can't even remember what name they signed in with to even add them. I remember a few. Chances are more remember my old name than I remember theirs. From a marketing perspective, it seems like people would pay to bring back their old screen names for a chance someone they knew a long time ago may try to reach out to them. A company should be focused on creating as many revenue streams as possible. I don't think boomers clinging to old naive habits is a better marketing strategy, and if you're trying to sell nostalgia - there's more than one angle to do it.