Stop publishing pseudo-science misinformation. The article about the 3 reasons we get cancer is total lies. Why ro you publish it? Stop!
I see that you have many criticisms of your continued crazy posting of pseudo-science. Simply put - you are killing people. Stop doing this. It is not a free speech issue. It is giving the lies a platform. I am sure that you can afford to vet these posts. You stop comments that violate community standards. These posts are a violation of the entire community's health and wellbeing. There is no hyperbolae in my comment that you are killing people. You actually are guilty. STOP

Alain Morin commented
This will never see the light of day. You are in the pocket of the MAGATs. How about this - yes a threat - if you don't stop I will join all those who believe that you are on the wrong side of these issues and I WILL BOYCOTT AOL and advocate for every thinking sentient, human to join me. I call it voting with your wallet. I have been with you since the very beginning of AOL and have paid thousands over the years (One single bill thirty years ago was over $600.) You can do better and if you don't, we will end AOL (or at least cut your membership by double digits. Don't think ot can be done? Are you willing to find out? ALOHA