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1333 results found


    I am a political moderate now very concerned about the hatred spread by this country's politicians, tech publishers (no longer platforms), and the media. I was greeted to my sign-in with an exhortation to denounce Ted Cruz. While he is not one of my favorites, what he did was within his rights as a duly elected Senator. What he did was not much different than the campaign Democrats mounted to change electoral votes in 2016. Stop feeding this HATRED. Both sides are ramping up and trading punches. Soon this is going to go critical. While I understand your need to…

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  2. Update the horoscope once in a while, would be nice.

    Get someone that can change the horoscope daily quotes and not leave the old ones in place from over a week.

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  3. Go Away Obama....Useless Narcissist

    He was ineffective for all 8 he knows everything. Why didn't he get it done while he was in office?

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  4. Start telling the truth about President Trump !!!

    Start telling the truth about President Trump and stop with all your negative remarks about him !! Even this morning you told lies about Trump supporters starting violence at the DC march thats a lie it was Antifa/BLM that was doing all the attacking and many videos show this !! I been a customer of yours for many years but I am about ready to close my account with you and tell my family to do the same. You are making me extremely angry !!!!!

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  5. Aol is scum. Totally radical left. Hope you crash and burn. And you will along with the rest.

    AOL is scum. Totally Radical Left as in Commies. Hope you crash and burn just like the rest. You deserve it!

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  6. The future

    Restricting the first amendment is already in place.What next?I know we will attack the second amendment and continue on.USA RIP.

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  7. First Lady

    I think it is despicable that the last four years you cannot show any respect to our first lady or her husband. AOL SUCKS. I will be changing my email to another.

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  8. 3991st ranked

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  9. Understand the US Trump Movement

    Hey, AOL - When are you going to realize 80 million voters and their future voting children love President Donald Trump. He supports us 'deplorables' who make this country work. The movement is not going away.

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  10. Can't read your stories. Takes too long to Next, Next, next, Don't care after the second click, NEXT

    Can't read any of your stories. Too much clicking. Next, next, Next. ***** that. Just put up the whole story. Can not wait for it to load.
    You still think that this is a game. AOL. we do not care. and do not read your **** that you put on. Also we do not buy anything from your adds.
    Email is ok, But your stories suck dog ****!F

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  11. Load in my favorites. !!!!

    Wheres my favorites !!!??

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  12. Really getting tired of your political views. Thought you were an email provider??

    Tired of you political views. Stick to email. Your administration bashing is getting very old..,.

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  13. what the **** is your problem

    knock off the delete ****

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  14. "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar. You are only telling the world that you are afraid of what he might say."

    "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar.
    You are only telling the world that you are afraid of what he might say."
    Geo.R.R. Martin.

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  15. "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar. You are only telling the world that you are afraid of what he might say."

    "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar.
    You are only telling the world that you are afraid of what he might say."
    Geo.R.R. Martin.

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  16. im so sick of your anti-trump propaganda. I didnt even vote for trump and im sick of how aol is using the their leverage to shade the story!

    if I didnt have my email here i would NEVER read off aol again!

    Im a liberal!! but YOU guys are liberal PIGS. stop being so one sided!!! and stop with the trump bashing, have some respect for YOURSELVES.

    I want NEWS not PROPAGANDA!

    get some REAL reporters, with some CHARACTER

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  17. By printing the facts and not your liberal bias perspectives. It would be a pleasant change.

    Get off the back of the greatest President in our nation's history. Your liberal bias is transparent, consistent, and disgusting. For once tell you ownership that you're tired of perpetuating their lies.

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    you fake *** americans......go jump in a lake you speech nazis

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  19. 3991st ranked

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  20. AOL stop being Bias!

    AOL you assume that Biden will be the President? and for your information there is investigation being conducted throughout the Country and it looks like there was a Democratic, Socialist attempt to steal the election. I have news for you that Trump will serve another 4 years starting in 2021. If you turn on the microscope you will see it is you and the fake news media and as well as Biden and by the way should be in jail.!!

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