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2386 results found
Do you all listen to or read the drivel you hand to the public?
What a waste of time and space!
4175th ranked -
The former president of the United States spoke for 2 hours today, and you **** heads at AOL have not mentioned it or covered it. WHY? The reason is you did not cover it is because AOL and Huff Post are anti-American and cannot stand the truth. YOU SUCK ans should be banished from American News because you hate America.
4175th ranked -
used to be able to reply to news is gong?
how come cant respond to articles
4175th ranked -
Quit being so Bias politically. Print both sides fairly!!!!!!
my headline says it all
808th ranked -
Kamala Harris Primaries VS NOW
Kamala Harris was one of the least popular democrat candidates during the primaries. She was TOO LIBERAL. She ran out of money and was destroyed by Tulsi Gabbard on her record. But she did manage to expose Joe Biden's weaknesses. Now suddenly, she's 'HISTORIC AND WONDERFUL" woman of color that's a "moderate"! This would be laughable if it weren't a plan to destroy America!
530th ranked -
Biden and Harris Mask Edict is Virtue Signaling NOT SUPPORTED BY SCIENCE
There is SO MUCH information plus videos that show how INEFFECTIVE masks really are. We will wear our masks because they offer "some" protection, but the ONLY MASK THAT WOULD REALLY WORK WOULD BE ONE THAT IS TOTALLY SEALED THAT FILTERS THE AIR IN AND OUT!
647th ranked -
You have neglected to put out any story of yesterday's big news......Trump accomplishes a Middle East Peace Treaty between Israel and UAE.
You have neglected to put out a news article dealing with the AWESOME PEACE TREATY President Trump help to broker between Israel and UAE. What happened? ?? I would like to be able to count on AOL for my "unbiased" news........even if it is GOOD FOR OUR PRESIDENT ! Thank you.
647th ranked -
stop making the stories available in 3 sentence blocks and 20 adds.
When you click on a picture give the full story. Don't make be click through 20 pages each showing 3 sentences and 20 adds. That is so painful and unenjoyable to read. Make it easy to read the stories and I'll tell others. Now I only say how bad AOL is.
Best regards,
Ron Zoromski
2331st ranked -
4175th ranked
AP Fact Checking?
AP fact checking the President is like letting the fox into the hen house to see if there are any eggs! One good thing about Trump, he makes everyone show their cards. It’s been hard for the dems to hide what they really are, criminals and liars!
1079th ranked -
aol is censoring and is always showing propaganda.
nothing can scape what coming.
darkness will never be able to dress itself white and speak words of love.
🔻🔥🔺2331st ranked -
Bias in News - So Obvious Looking at Imbalance in Headlines
Lately I realize that AOL must have an agenda against conservatives. Over the last several weeks I have done a quick review of the headlines (particularly the top ones) each time I log in. I think you guys need to stop it and realize that your customers expect a fair and balanced perspective. Please don't just spoon up what you think we should see. Give at least 1/2 stories one way and 1/2 stories another way please. Been a customer for over 20 years but may have to finally say "bye".
1079th ranked -
Every single AOL headline every single day is anti-Trump.
It's beyond blatant, it's an agenda. Literally every day AOL news has a headline that attempts to make Trump look bad. Even if you despise Trump, it's not possible to be this one sided without having an agenda.
187th ranked -
You have to stop your censorship of comments. It's way over the top.
Saying "you're probably mature enough to not let it bother you" was flagged as likely being offensive. That level of censorship is bizarre and offensive to me.
4175th ranked -
Have someone review news headlines before posting.
"Biden puts his money where his mouth is on masks
The White House announced Wednesday that it plans to deliver more than 25 million masks to communities hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Program will cost $86 million"No, he is putting the taxpayers money where his mouth is.
I can't decide. On one hand is the rule to not attribute to malice what can easily be explained by incompetence. On the other hand, it is hard to imagine that the #1 news article was not reviewed before publication.
10485th ranked -
Some News Shouts So Loud Even AOL Can’t Ignore It
So even AOL can’t ignore the lying Scully story. Why not ignore it, you ignore so much other real news..... Pathetic rag as usual. Or is it because the Joe/Hunter story is becoming so”loud”?
1079th ranked -
Start Fair Reporting
I am sick of seeing your clear bias against the right side. It is bull and I do not trust anything you report. Try just try to report the true facts..
252nd ranked -
Why were comments taken down on this news story?
Perhaps its because people were commenting and questioning the climate tax fraud that China is trying to shove down our throats?
4175th ranked -
AOL and Huff Post
You guys suck and prey on little minds. You not only suck, but you are disgusting human beings.
4175th ranked -
Can AOL still have Trump be the main headline for much longer every single day?
I predict maybe until 2023 they'll get over their Trump derangement syndrome headlines. I doubt it though. Everything will be how the Democrats "fixed" whatever TRUMP did! And by fix I mean to continue to poison and destroy the nation.
4175th ranked
- Don't see your idea?